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Krista is engaging, interactive and inspiring. Her presentations are top-rated because they are customized and get the audience involved.

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Common Question: When should you post to social media sites?

In my social media presentations, I mention the importance of building a content strategy for your social media marketing plan.  This content generation is how you are going to attract your target audience.  However, another aspect to keep in mind is … [Read more...]

Is Blogging Still Important?

A few weeks ago I gave a social media keynote presentation to a group of business owners, and I was asked if blogging is still an important part of the social media mix.  This is a common question that I get when giving social media presentations, … [Read more...]

What to do AT the Conference: Rocking SXSW and PubCon

In my last post I shared tips about what to do in preparation for a conference.  Planning who to meet, knowing what you want to achieve and doing your research.  In this post I want to focus on things to do at the conference to help you achieve your … [Read more...]

Charlie Sheen Shows Us that you Can’t Measure Influence

I’ve been thinking a lot about influence and influencers lately.  It is the title of my SXSW panel (along with the talented Kevin Dugan, David Binkowski and Saul Colt).  Businesses and social media experts alike talk about how important influencers … [Read more...]

Rocking SXSW and PubCon: How to Get More Out of Conferences

I’m on a plan right now headed to Austin where I will be speaking at SXSW and PubCon South.  As many of you probably know, I’ve been attending conferences around the world for many years now, and I speak at them about 20 times a year. One of the … [Read more...]

Cincinnati Training Space: Things To Consider When Booking A Training Space

In my experiences training groups about social media marketing, I have encountered a number of obstacles with renting out training spaces and venues. We also recently launched our own training room in Cincinnati that we rent out, and I've had the … [Read more...]

In Marketing Mistakes Happen. How to Handle Them in Stride.

In marketing mistakes often happen.  In social media marketing there was the famous #MotrinMoms fiasco.  In traditional marketing Groupon has recently come under attack for their *insensitive* commercial during the superbowl.  In the case of both … [Read more...]

Book Review: Buzz Marketing – Read It

Many social media success stories are built on the same marketing fundamentals that have been around for many years.  This is a great book for any marketer to read about how to "get people talking about your stuff". This book is definitely worth a … [Read more...]

Facebook Across the Globe

I've had the pleasure to speak in Brazil, London and Canada a number of times, and one of the pieces of "homework" that I always do before speaking in a new country is research their social media use. One interesting thing is that while the social … [Read more...]

Product Centric vs. Content Centric Marketing

I've read a lot of articles recently about why advertising agencies (and people in general) don't "get" social media marketing.  I do a lot of training and consulting with ad agencies and big consumer brand companies.  I work with many advertising … [Read more...]

  • To check availability and see how I can make your event a home run. Contact
  • Discover how Krista will educate, excite and engage your audience. Speaker Info

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