Do you need an engaging speaker?

Krista is engaging, interactive and inspiring. Her presentations are top-rated because they are customized and get the audience involved.

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5 Amazing SlideShows on Social Media

I spent some time digging around SlideShare today and found 3 amazing presentations about social media that I wanted to share. You probably won't have time to digest these all at once - so feel free to bookmark this post. As a side note, … [Read more...]

How My Online Brand Got Me International Speaking Gigs, Clients, Job Offers, 2 Book Deals and more….

I’ve been thinking about my online brand for a few years now. It started out back in 2007, when I only had a MySpace page (and a pitiful one at that) and I decided that I needed some professional assets to offset the intoxicated party-posts that … [Read more...]

Social Media for Retail Speaker: Trade Show in Dallas on Instagram and Twitter

Last week I was at the Dallas Market Center speaking to Lighting retailers and wholesalers about social media. As a professional social media speaker, I often have the opportunity to speak to different groups about how they can use social media to … [Read more...]

Social Media Speaker: My Presentation for Meeting and Event Professionals at Cincinnati NACE

Last week I had the opportunity to give a presentation at the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center on how meeting and event professionals can use social media. The focus of this presentation was on the biggest mistakes that companies make and how to … [Read more...]

7 Marketing Lessons from Kitchen Nightmares That Every Business Can Learn From

I recently started watching Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsey. If you haven't seen the show, chef Ramsey is brought in to help struggling restaurants... he finds the problems and re-launches the restaurants. As I've watched him reposition a … [Read more...]

What NOT to do in Social Media – Amy’s Baking Company

This is just hysterical. It is probably the most entertaining example of social media gone wrong that I have ever seen. The backstory of this is awesomeness is: A few years ago the restaurant owner Amy was featured on a local news site for … [Read more...]

27 Ways to Build a Strong Online Personal Brand

In the Internet age, a powerful personal online brand is a must for speakers, consultants, CEOs, sales representatives, business owners, freelancers and people in transition. Our new personal branding program Launch Yourself: Define, Design and … [Read more...]

My Latest Book: Visual Social Media Marketing: Harnessing Images, Instagram, Infographics and Pinterest to Grow Your Business Online

  I am really excited to announce my newest book is NOW AVAILABLE -  Visual Social Media Marketing: Harnessing Images, Instagram, Infographics and Pinterest to Grow Your Business Online. I recently began to notice a trend emerging in … [Read more...]

International Social Media Speaking: The Training Program I ran In India

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to run a social media business training program for an IT consulting company in Chennai India.  During the 2-Day training program I had the opportunity to share digital marketing strategies, tactics and tools and … [Read more...]

Top Tools for Event Planners to Promote An Event With Social Media

Event planners are constantly looking for new ways to spread the word about their event and build an audience.  I have the pleasure of speaking at over 40 events every year, and I also try to help promote events to make the event bigger and better. … [Read more...]

  • To check availability and see how I can make your event a home run. Contact
  • Discover how Krista will educate, excite and engage your audience. Speaker Info

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