People do business with people and brands that they know, like, and trust. This simple age-old sales principle still drives decisions from the laundry detergent we use, car we drive, insurance agent we sign up with, products we buy online, and business coach we hire. Here are three tips to help you build your know, like and trust of your personal brand.
Establish Your Reputation
Building your know, like, and trust is both a big risk and opportunity in the digital age. The risk happens when people search for you online, assess your credibility, and come up empty, or with less than favorable results. The opportunity is that your digital footprint can be a powerful tool to grow your professional network and your position as an expert, which can ultimately impact your bottom line. And you can control it.
Increase Your Credibility
The reality is that people are googling you before, during, and after they meet you. One of the number one risk concerns for business executives, building a person brand, is reputation management. Why? Because people want to check you out, assess your credibility, see your credentials, consider if you are trustworthy, recommend you to a friend or are maybe just curious.
Your online brand is like the suit you wear to look professional. It is the waiting room of your office. It is your business card. Not only that, but it is your first impression. Do not leave anything up for risk.
Attract Opportunities
When someone searches for you, what will they find?
Of the 75% of US adults who google themselves, nearly half say that the results are not positive. Smart business professionals aren’t just focusing on building a personal brand that isn’t a liability – they are using it as a strategic tool to grow their reputation and business success.
Check out the graphic below on why you need a personal brand that you know, like and trust!
The is taken from an excerpt of “Launch Yourself”, by Krista Neher. For your free action planner and bonus resources, visit
[…] with people, and a core principle of influence, is that we work with people we know, like, and trust. When it comes to likability, it’s based on similarities, empathy, or understanding of others and […]