Krista Neher, recognized social media expert and conference social media speaker is honored to be presenting on how to effectively market and build relationships with social media on April 12th 2012 at the 87th Annual Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) Convention in Calgary, Canada.
During this convention, Krista Neher will share her top rated presentation: “How to Get Real Results by Integrating Social Media”, which will demonstrate how to successfully leverage social media as a part of marketing. This session will provide attendees with an overview of social media as an integrated business tool and provide them with tips, examples and best practices. Attendees of this session will discover how social media can be used to leverage consumer trust, awareness and sales and get it working for their business.
“Social media is rapidly changing the way business is conducted. Whether you’re a small-business owner or part of a multinational corporation, you need to be listening to what is being said about your products, your services, and your competitors across all social outlets. You can’t afford to ignore it anymore!” – says convention speaker, Krista Neher.
The CPMA’s Annual Convention and Trade Show is Canada’s largest event dedicated to the fruit and vegetable industry. The event provides a unique forum for industry leaders to enhance their business opportunities in Canada through an exceptional combination of education and networking opportunities. CPMA’s Annual Convention and Trade Show attracts over 3000 participants from all segments of the produce supply chain and showcases produce from around the world. This year convention will feature keynote addresses by Joel Cohen, writer and co-executive producer of the Simpsons and Anthony D. Williams, consultant and co-author of “Wikinomics” and “Macrowikinomics”.
“Social Media is one of the quickest growing and most powerful marketing opportunities for businesses. The trouble is that there are so many sites, and many businesses don’t know where to start. I’m so excited to be a part of the CPMA’ s Annual Convention where I will be able to show how even in an industry like produce, social media can have a big impact.” – says Krista Neher, Boot Camp Digital CEO.
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